Monday, March 19, 2012

Pre-Food Blog Forum in Orlando

Food Blog Forum in Orlando was held on March 16 thru the 18th. We all stayed in the Polynesian Resort one of Walt Disney World Resorts. My family stayed with me for the weekend, they had a wonderful time in the Disney Parks while I hanged out with some of the best Food Bloggers you can think of!

That first night we had a cocktail get together to mingle and get to know each other a little better before the big day, the day of the seminar. The welcome reception took place in the Grand Floridian Resort & Spa, outside in the Summerhouse Patio & Sand Beach. Here are some pictures I took during that first night. Not a lot of them, but you can get an idea of how great this party was.



After signing in for the round table sessions and mingling with amazing food bloggers that attended Food Blog Forum this year I headed back to the hotel room and spent a nice relaxing movie night with my girls and husband.

I want to say a BIG thanks to Jaden & Scott of Steamy Kitchen, Julie of The Little Kitchen, Dawn of Wicked Good Dinner ( and Dianne & Todd of White on Rice Couple for organizing an event that gives back to the Food Blogging community by teaching so many of us what works and how we can make it work by using our voice. By being unique! 

Come back tomorrow and be ready to read a recap of what happened the day of the seminar. Plus, more pictures of bloggers (new and old friends) and lots of food! We were all pampered and spoiled big time!


  1. So cool - I wish I could have gone. I'm aiming for the PDX forum later this year! Fingers crossed!

  2. Megan, it was an amazing experience, meeting so many food bloggers in one same spot and connecting faces to the blogs and twitter. It makes everything even more real. Plus I can say that we all took with us some tips from that event that will help us get better at writing and being better with a voice of our own. Hope you had been here too!

  3. It was so nice to meet you this past weekend! And I'm glad we got to sit next to each other during the conference :) I'm happy to have found your blog!

  4. Oh, Megan, the pleasure was mine. I have been following your posts for a while now and seeing you next to me during the seminar was a surreal moment. Pinch me kinda moment! You are even sweeter in person!

  5. It was so nice to finally meet you! What a great weekend it was....only it went by way to fast!! Did you say you were going to Tech Munch?

