Saturday, December 31, 2011

Celebrating a great 2011

2011 is about to leave and we are welcoming 2012 with many dreams and lots of ideas of how to make it an even better year. I know I am so thankful of this media and all the bloggers I've met during the year. Have you noticed all the new bloggers that have joined in? I've learned that many of my friends are starting to blog and it's "awesome". I enjoy seeing there posts and their progress. They teach me so much and keep me on my feet with posting on time. There's a lot of post demands! I'm so loving it!!!

During the year I've been so blessed and have gotten many gifts and for that I am very thankful. Also because my health is great and my family is even better. Take some time out of your busy schedule to reflect on the many blessings you've gotten and how well you have been doing during 2011, maybe putting them on paper makes you realize that it has been an amazing year.

I want to take this time and space to say thank you to all my blogger friends for reading my posts and inviting me to conferences and events you've all organized, thanks! Plus for keeping in touch! You know who you are! 

I wish you all an amazing night filled with happiness with friends & family! Can't wait to see all the great things you all come up with during 2012. Be inspired to creating wonderful things and have a....


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