Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Picking Roses Basket Cake

Recently I took a Wilton Course. A flower class. Love making edible flowers. For that class I made lots of roses that ended not using and saving for another occasion.

Following that class I took a fondant class, where we are taught to cover a cake with fondant. This class was one of those classes that feels so long, one thing we all learned was that weather can affect the fondants performance. It was driving me crazy! It rained a lot during that week and it was very humid.

Take a look at the cake design I came up with.

The roses were made with a 50/50 mix. This is half fondant and half gum paste. 

The basket was made out of gum paste.The soil was graham cracker crumbs.

Full view

Hope you all like it and feel like going out and smell the flowers. Enjoy the summer and its beauty!

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