Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Food Blog Forum in Orlando, Florida!

When I read Jaden from Steamy Kitchen blog about a Food Blog Forum in my home town Orlando, Florida I started jumping at the spot. The budget was immediately worked around this event, plus I wanted my husband to join me. He has always been involved in everything I do. My husband not only complements me on my weak side, but he has a strong desire to help me shine my brightest and that is priceless to me.

Returning to the #FBF, Jaden along side to Julie from the Little Kitchen and Dawn from Wicked Good Dinner hosted the event and it was a darn good event. The list of speakers was amazing. We were around professionals in a variety of topics like: Jaden Hair the creator of Steamy Kitchen (like mentioned earlier), her husband Scott Hair, Jeff Houck from Tampa Tribune, Heather  McPherson from Orlando Sentinel, Pete Scott from Izea, Lindsay Landis owner of Purr Design, Helene from Tartelette and Dawn Viola from Wicked Good Dinner (like mentioned earlier).

Are you jealous by now, I was there and it was awesome! If this wasn't enough we had pre and after parties. Pre-party hosted by Whole Foods Market and the after party was hosted by McCormich's & Schmick's Seafood Restaurants. Delicious food, great drinks and the best company ever! There was even a cake, but not just any cake, KerryGold sponsored this delicious and amazing Bri Cheese with Dates and Nuts cake. Inspiring! You should try this idea for your next Wine & Cheese party or a Cheese Table.

My husband took this picture for me, he did good! The other side was cut already. Thanks Alex!
Plus there were lots of giveaway presents. Amazing! Don't believe me, take a long then and see for yourself!

You may agree with me when I say that the event felt like a celebrity event. For a long time now (maybe years) we connect to our blog pages and follow other bloggers and tweet and follow other twitters and same with Facebook and so on. Even buy there books (if they have any). Get inspired by there foods, recipes and stories. It feels like we know each other and I even call them my blogger friends from so or so town. Friday night and all through Saturday felt (for me and many others) like a surreal moment. Like if we were meeting a celebrity star. I even remember mentioning Lindsay how is felt like we weren't real until that day. Like we were all imaginary friends until that very moment. I loved the experience and exhort everyone to assist Food Blog Forum in Nashville on October 8th, you won't regret it. It's truly a life changing moment and an investment to your passion.

I'm a stay at home mom and have always dreamed on working from home while keeping an eye on my two girls (that are not so little anymore, even though one is 9 and the other is 4). Being near them is my joy and duty and baking is a passion. Blogging has giving me the opportunity to log in my baked goodies and experiences and keep myself sane after being home all day. Having a community like the Food Blog Forum available for research, find tips, get inspired, support and guidance is a priceless opportunity and I want you to go check it out and take advantage of what they have put together at our reach. Thanks Jaden and your team for taking the challenge on and wanting to mentor us into making the most of our blogs! Your all rock!

Sweet thanks!


  1. I enjoyed your recap!! Glad we had a chance to chat on Twitter the other night about the bunny issue lol, but can't believe we didn't meet meet over the weekend. There were so many of us there!

    It was an AMAZING experience...almost surreal now and I'm a bit sad it's over. I'm looking forward to many more events in the future. Did you make your way over to the new Florida Food Bloggers group on Facebook? If not, check your twitter because I tweeted you about it LOL!

    Denise @ Creative Kitchen

  2. Hi Denise, thanks for the comment!
    Yeah, it's surreal and sad because it went so fast. I enjoyed the event to the fullest and left so inspired.
    Still working my way across convincing my hubby about the "bunny". Will keep you posted!

  3. This was a GREAT event, the information was very helpful even for people that want to blog about other things!

  4. Lex, that is so true. We even met people that went to the event to test the water and have never blogged in there life.
    Loved the variety of attendees from experts, to bloggers that write for fun and then there were those who are looking into it.
    Great weekend!

  5. Great recap! I'm sorry we didn't meet there, also- but, perhaps in the future?! Looking forward to chats!

  6. Wanda.. it was great to meet you over the weekend, we did have FUN! You touched based in all good stuff on your recap! I have not forgotten about your logo and my offer.. I just been slamed at work this past week. Promise will send you something over the weekend!

  7. I know exactly what you mean, I've been home with my kids since I was pregnant with my first and blogging has opened up a whole new world for me. It is so fun to meet people in person, that you only knew virtually for so long. I have made so many great friends online, but it seems so separate from my real life sometimes.

    It was wonderful meeting you, glad we are "neighbors"...hopefully our paths will cross again soon!

  8. Michelle, wow, it seems like there were so many people that I didn't get to during the weekend. The good thing is that we all live close by in the Orlando area (or near by) and can keep in touch with access flexibility. I believe that some day we'll meet.

  9. Monica, you were so much fun to be around with. Thanks for leaving a comment, I'm going over all the #FBF blogs and doing the same. Will be waiting to hear from you soon.

  10. Aggie, I loved your recap too. Yeah!, once you are home all day with kids there is a big need to talk to other grown ups and work on something fun and exciting. That's exactly what blogger has offered to me. Loved getting together and learning so much during the Food Blog Forum, now it's time to put it in practice. Hugs to you Aggie and feel free to follow this blog.

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