Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Eggs made with Rice Krispies

Rice Krispies is that one product that can be molded into basically any shape and it's so versatile and useful for bakers. I make figurines, Minnie /Mickey ears, motorcycle, tree trunks, clowns, eggs...the list is practically endless when it comes to the use of rice kripie treats.

In this occasion my husband wanted to make some rice kripie eggs and fill them with candies for Easter Sunday. He had seen this idea in a commercial and thought it was a great project to make with the girls.

I had no time to buy the cereal and marshmallows to make the treats so I bought them already made. I love making them, it's so easy. I did link the original recipe to you: Rice Krispies Treats. We made them all the time as kids and those memories stays forever. For me it wasn't hard to choose my sister's house to make them. It took us back to our childhood!

After making (or buying) the treats mold a small amount into a plastic egg. I found a jumbo one that worked wonders for this project. This are my sister's hands demonstrating the process. She's so talented!

After molding the treats into both sides of the plastic egg, go ahead and fill it with your choice of candy. We used whoppers and kisses. And, yes, we went with big candies. But you can use M&M's or Skitters. Any candy that makes you happy. Sounds cliche, but the sky is the limit!

My sister had some sprinkles to add a touch of color to the eggs, but you can also cover the eggs into melted chocolate and add from there; either,  more toppings or more color. This a messy and very fun project to make. My sister, the girls (my 2 girls and niece), nephew and husband were having a blast and a sugar rush with so many eggs.

They were so cute. After making them it was fun to open and find out which candy had each egg. Some had more candies than others. 

My intentions with this post is to get you motivated and inspired into making something sweet with the kids. Be it a holiday or not, get into the kitchen and make lots of memories with the loved ones, trust me, they'll never forget it. It's priceless!

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